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Full text of "Polarization Phenomena in Fragmentation of Deuterons to Pions and Non-Nucleon Degrees of Freedom in the Deuteron"

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arXiv:hep-ph/0112215v2 23 Dec 2001 


A.Yu. Illarionov^^, A.G. Litvinenko and G.I. Lykasov 

Joint Institute for Nuclear Researeh, IflOSO Dubna, Moseow Region, Russia 
t E-mail: 


The fragmentation of deuterons into pions emitted forward in the kinematic re¬ 
gion forbidden for free nucleon-nucleon collisions is analyzed. It is shown that the 
inclusion of the non-nucleon degrees of freedom in a deuteron allows to describe the 
experimental data about inclusive pion spectrum rather satisfactory and improves 
the description of data concerning the deuteron analyzing power T 20 . The experi¬ 
mental data show the positive sign and very small values, less than 0.2, of r 2 o what 
can’t be reproduced by the calculations ignoring these degrees of freedom. 

Let us analyze the inclusive process Dp — ttX for the polarized deuteron and pions 
emitted to forward at initial energies of order few GeV. If the deuteron is tensor analyzed 
and has pff component, then the inclusive spectrum of this reaction can be written in 
the form: 

pId {Pif) = 



1 + ^zz ■ Pd 

( 1 ) 

where = St,- da^pj/d?pT, is the inclusive spectrum for the case of unpolarized deuterons 
and Kzz = V^T 2 o is the tensor analyzing power. They can be written in a fully covariant 
manner within the Bethe-Salpeter formalism |jl[|: 

PpD ■ Azz - 






(2’rrJ jX{p,D) 


( 2 ) 


where X{pi,p 2 ) = (piP 2 )^ — = A(si 2 , m2)/4 is the flux factor; p,n are the four- 

momenta of the proton-target and intra-deuteron nucleon, respectively; is the rela¬ 
tivistic invariant inclusive spectrum of pions produced by interacting the intra-deuteron 
nucleon with the proton-target. The functions and depends on the 

relative momentum q = {n — p')/2 and contains full information about the structure of 
deuteron with one on-shell nucleon. 

According to [Q, the deuteron structure can be described by assuming the possible 
existence of non-nucleon or quark degrees of freedom. On the other hand, the shape of 
a high momentum tail of the nucleon distribution in the deuteron can be found from the 
true Regge asymptotic at x —>• 2 |Q, and the corresponding parameters can be htted from 


a good description of the inclusive proton spectrum in deuteron fragmentation Dp pX 
@,1- According to one can write the following form for <h*^“)(|qr|): 

*‘”’( 191 ) 




i>l">(|/!|) = (1-02(3,)) 

UH\k\) + WWk\) 

+•^ 2 ( 3 ( 7 ) 





G^2(3g) (x, k 



The parameter Q; 2 { 3 q) is the probability for a non-nucleon component in the deuteron 
which is a state of two colorless (3g) systems. 




T(A + B + 1) , 

2,r r(yl + l)r(B + 1) ' 

( 6 ) 

Figure 1: The invariant pion spectrum Q cal¬ 
culated within the relativistic impulse approxi¬ 
mation with including of the non-nucleon com¬ 
ponent in the DWF its probability a 2 ( 3 g) 

is 0.02 0.04 (dot-dashed and dashed curves, 


Fig. 1 presents the invariant pion spectrum 
calculated within the relativistic impulse 
approximation including the non-nucleon 
component in the DWF [0, |^. One can 
see a good description of the experimental 
data [0 at all cumulative variable xc- 
However in some sense, the informa¬ 
tion contained in T 20 from Dp pX 
and Dp —>• nX processes is redundant, 
because the main ingredient by analyzing 
these reactions within the impulse approx¬ 
imation are the same deuteron properties. 
Therefore calculation of the tensor analyz¬ 
ing power including non-nucleon degrees of 
freedom in fragmentation of deuteron to pi¬ 
ous can give us a new independent informa¬ 
tion concerning the deuteron structure at 
small N — N distances. Actually, in §] a 
form of <F^“^(|A;|) has been constructed only. 
However, to calculate T 20 it is not enough, 
the corresponding orbital waves have to be 
known. Let us assume, the non-nucleon 
degrees of freedom result in a main contri¬ 
bution to the S- and waves of the DWF. 
Constructing new forms of these waves by 

including the non-nucleon degrees of freedom we have to require that the square of the 
new DWF has to be equal to the one determined by the Eq.(^. Introducing a mixing 
parameter a = {tt/ 4)a one can hud the forms of new S- and D-waves as the following: 

Ui\k\) = - a 2 ^ 3 q)Ui\k\) + cos(a)A(|fc|) ; (7) 

W{\k\) = ^l-« 2 ( 3 g)hF(|fc|)+sin(a)A(|fc|) , (8) 


where the function A has been obtained from the equation: 

$W(|fc|) = uWk\) + wWk\). 

( 9 ) 

Tensor Analyzing Power 

D+p-> n(0°) + X; P, = 4.46 GeV/c 

Fig. 2 presents the analyzing power T 20 
calculated by using the functions U,W in¬ 
cluding the non-nucleon components in the 
DWF, according to ai- It is shown from 
Fig. 2 the inclusion of non-nucleon com¬ 
ponents in the DWF improves the descrip¬ 
tion of the experimental data about T 20 at 
Xc > 1. The value of the parameter en¬ 
tering the Eqs.d^a a = 2.3 results in an 
optimal description of this observable. 

Main results can be summarized as the 
following. Very interesting experimental 
data on T 20 [§] showing approximately zero 
values at xc > 1 are not reproduced by 
a theoretical calculus using even different 
kinds of the relativistic DWF |l[]. This may 
indicate a possible existence of non-nucleon 
degrees of freedom or basically new mech¬ 
anism of pion production in the kinematic 
region forbidden for free N — N scattering. 

The inclusion of the non-nucleon de¬ 
grees of freedom within the approach sug¬ 
gested in 1 ^, Q allows us to describe ex¬ 
perimental data about the inclusive pion 
spectrum at all the values of xc rather well, Fig. 1, and improve the description of data 
H concerning the analyzing power T 20 in the fragmentation of deuteron to pions, Fig. 2. 

Figure 2: The tensor analyzing power r 2 o cal¬ 
culated within the relativistic impulse approxi¬ 
mation including of the non-nucleon component 
in the DWF |^, with probability 02 ( 35 ) ~ 0-03. 
The solid and dashed lines represent the calcu¬ 
lations using the mixing parameter a = 0.0 and 
2.3, respectively, Eqs. ([ 

The support from RFFI grant N99-02-17727 is gratefully acknowledged by authors. 


[ 1 ] A.Yu. Illarionov, A.G. Litvinenko, G.I. Lykasov, Preprint JINR El-2000-258, P2- 
2001-204; |hep-ph/00122^ , |hep-ph/00073^ . 

[2] G.I. Lykasov, EPAN 24, 59 (1993). 

[3] A.V. Efremov et al, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 47, 868 (1988). 

[4] A.M. Baldin, Nucl. Phys. A434, 695 (1985). 

[5] S.V. Afanasiev et al, Nucl. Phys. A625, 817 (1997); Phys. Lett. B445, 14 (1998); 
Preprint JINR E2-98-319.